
DAA Hip Replacement Surgery: Recovery & What to Expect

Written by Orion Orthopaedic Surgery | Feb 19, 2022 7:59:59 AM

Recovering From A Direct Anterior Approach Hip Replacement Surgery 

With any type of orthopaedic surgery, every patient experiences a period of downtime. In this period, you will need to rest and allow your body to recover from the procedure it has endured before regaining the mobility and range of activities you are used to. 

In a direct anterior approach (DAA) hip replacement surgery, the surgical procedure is carried out from an incision made at the front (the anterior part) of the body. This is contrary to making the incision from the side and posterior entry sites, which is typical for the more traditional types of hip replacement surgeries such as the anterolateral and posterior hip replacement surgery. 

Even though there are general guides to the DAA hip replacement surgery, the actual recovery process is different for every patient. The rehabilitation protocol is prescribed on a case-by-case basis, based on one’s specific condition and surgery outcome. 

How does Direct Anterior Approach Replacement Surgery Enable Shorter Healing Time?

The DAA total hip replacement surgery typically allows for a shorter healing time as compared to its traditional counterparts. This is because this approach avoids cutting through major muscles to get to the hip joint. Patients have also reported quicker rehabilitation and less pain, not to mention fewer restrictions to mobility post-surgery. Thus, it is no wonder that anterior hip replacement is often the patient’s preferred approach as compared to the posterior approach. 

That being said, anterior hip replacement is a technically-demanding surgery with a number of risk factors such as wound healing issues and potential hip dislocation. It is thus essential to have a surgeon who is well-versed in this approach. Dr. Mizan is only one of two surgeons in Singapore trained to perform the minimally invasive DAA hip replacement surgery.

The patient’s willing participation in surgical preparation and post-surgical rehabilitation also plays an important role. 

Pros and Cons of Posterior versus DAA Hip Replacement

Different surgeons have their reasons for recommending one technique over another. However, it will be helpful for you to have some basic information about your options for hip surgery so that you can make an informed decision when discussing your hip replacement surgery and treatment protocol with your doctor. 

In this section, we have prepared a comparison table of direct anterior vs posterior hip replacement surgery, with the pros and cons of each option.

Posterior Hip Replacement Surgery



  • Provides easier access to the hip for the surgeon
  • Less likely to cause nerve damage
  • High risk of dislocation post-surgery
  • A long list of strict precautions must be followed by the patient to avoid the risk of dislocation after surgery
  • Many major muscles have to be cut and reattached during the surgery, leading to more pain for the patient


Direct Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery 



  • Fewer muscles have to be cut and reattached.
  • Patients experience less pain. post-surgery due to less muscle damage.
  • Shorter healing time compared to posterior and anterolateral hip replacement surgery.
  • Better range of motion post-surgery
  • It may not be suitable for obese or very muscular patients.
  • It is a more technically-demanding surgery as the surgeon only gets a restricted view of the hip joint from the anterior incision.


What to Expect After Direct Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery 

Will a direct anterior approach hip replacement surgery affect your quality of life?

The good news is that many patients find that they are able to go back to their usual lifestyles and do the activities they were able to do.

In fact, there are typically no precautions given to patients who have undergone a direct anterior approach hip replacement surgery. Your movements are not restricted in any way. You can carry on with your normal life and return to work in as soon as two weeks. 

Some patients can even start walking without a cane or crutches a few hours after the surgery is over. It might be uncomfortable for a few days, and they may need some assistance from friends or family, but it cannot be compared to having to use crutches for several weeks.

If you undergo a direct anterior approach hip replacement surgery at Orion Orthopaedic Clinic, Dr Mizan’s techniques and DAA surgical method will help your hip heal quickly. You can get back to simple tasks such as driving in as little as 2 to 3 weeks. However, you will have to avoid doing other complicated tasks for a more extended amount of time. Tasks such as lifting heavy objects, engaging in manual labour, doing any intensive sporting activities, especially contact sports such as soccer, rugby, or basketball may not be possible for up to 6 months. 

So depending on the activities that make up your normal way of life, it won't take too long for you to recover. 

Best of all, you will be able to resume all of these activities without the pain or stiffness in your hip that you have experienced before. 

Recovery Tip for Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery 

Not all direct anterior approach hip replacement surgery patients will require extensive physical therapy. However, one form of physical therapy that is strongly advised for all patients is walking. In many cases, it is the only physical therapy necessary. Physical therapy helps to strengthen the muscles that may have been scarred or contracted in the course of aging or injuries. 

Of course, the road to anterior hip replacement recovery may vary from patient to patient, but should you want to read up more on the common concerns, here is an FAQ about DAA hip replacement surgery


Be sure to make and keep up with all your doctor's appointments. Adequate follow-up is necessary for a recovery process with minimal complications. 

Do also follow the post-operative rehab protocol for anterior hip replacement diligently. 

Last but not least, keep in mind that having a hip replacement procedure does not mean that one is old and invalid. On the contrary, it is meant to restore your active lifestyle. 

Contact Orion Orthopaedic Clinic 

Dr. Mizan Marican is a highly trained orthopaedic surgeon. He has over 10 years of orthopaedic experience, with a specialization in conditions related to hip pain and knee pain including osteoporosis and arthritis. 

His areas of expertise include joint preservation, sports and trauma injuries, degenerative conditions of the hip and knee, and joint replacement surgeries. He takes a patient-first approach and provides personalized treatments based on your lifestyle needs and preferences. He places first priority on non-surgical alternatives to rehabilitate pain-free mobility before considering other surgical methods. Contact him now for a consultation.